Thursday, November 22, 2012

Summer Bucket List - 100 Things to do Before Summer Ends

1. Go to a playground.
2. Sketch.
3. Read a good book.
4. Go on a bike ride with my boyfriend.
5. Play some badminton.
6. Make fruit salad.
7. Have a water balloon fight.
8. Go to a dance class.
9. Go on a bike ride.
10. Look at stars one night.
11. Write a short story.
12. Send a letter to my cousin.
13. Make a bouquet of wildflowers and give to someone.
14. Have a picnic with my boyfriend.
15. Have an overnight movie marathon.
16. Purchase an underwater camera and take lots of photos.
17. Sketch a flower.
18. Bury a friend in the sand.
19. Go fishing.
20. Go camping with friends.
21. Watch the sunrise.
22. Watch the sunset.
23. Make a collage out of old magazines.
24. Swing.
25. Skip stones at the beach.
26. Leave romantic notes for my boyfriend.
27. Run through a sprinkler.
28. Sleep until noon.
29. See some fireworks.
30. Watch friends doing something they love.
31. Play mini-golf in the backyard.
32. Carve initials into a tree.
33. Go to the zoo.
34. Play Tag.
35. Have a water fight at the beach.
36. Write a complaint/satisfaction letter, just to get free stuff.
37. Hang out with friends.
38. Learn a new hobby.
39. READ books.
40. Go to the library.
41. Stand in 2 different states at once.
42. Stay outside for 12 hours straight.
43. Legitimate photo shoot.
44. Get a tan.
45. Pretend to be from a foreign country.
46. Wake up every morning before 9:00 a.m for a week.
47. Water fight. Including but not limited to: balloons, guns, hoses, and buckets.
48. Go to the beach. A lot.
49. Go 24 hours without food.
50. Enter a photo contest.
51. Buy a fish.
52. Bake a batch of really cute cupcakes.
53. Go a whole day without technology.
54. Get my P's.
55. Pick an official summer song.
56. Go To An Outdoor Concert.
57. Plant something edible.
58. Create something made out of duct tape.
59. Go To A Fair.
60. Go swimming in a pool.
61. Go swimming at the beach.
62. Go out for tea with friends.
63. Continue with photography.
64. Have a BBQ with friends.
65. Go to a movie.
66. Go to an aquarium.
67. Make kabobs and eat them.
68. Learn 10 new words. And actually use them.
69. Build and start a campfire.
70. No Facebook for a day.
71. Have a spa day.
72. Finger paint a picture and then frame it.
73. Say ‘yes’ to everything for one day.
74. Carve a watermelon.
75. Finish decorating my room.
76. Clean my room.
77. Dance with friends.
78. Go out for dinner with my boyfriend.
79. Take LOTS of pictures.
80. Blog.
81. Go paintballing/fill waterballoons with glitter/paint.
82. Tie dye a t-shirt.
83. Make cut offs.
84. Buy new shorts.
85. Eat lots of sushi.
86. Braid my hair.
87. Go Christmas shopping.
88. Organize my closet.
89. Make a book full of all the clothes I own so I can put outfits together easier.
90. Make something off of Pinterest.
91. Make an entire 3 course meal.
92. Day trip somewhere.
93. Work out what I'm going to do for Research Project.
94. Create something new for Redbubble.
95. Pool party!
96. Buy the perfect anniversary present.
97. Walk the dog at the beach.
98. Buy a new cookbook.
99. Build something with lego.
100. Buy something from Etsy.

Hopefully by the end of summer I have done everything on this list :)

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